All the abstracts should be submitted through website online option only.
Fill up the online abstract submission form link from the website
Video CD must reach the office of chairman, scientific committee by Courier.
The preview room facility will be available.
An electronically generated presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint versionupto 2010 for Windows users and Keynote for Apple Macintosh is the standard.No other format will be compatible.
Mike & PC will may be automatically switched off after prescribed time forFreePapers.
Appropriate trial runs & checking in the preview room is necessary to avoid anyhitch. Financial disclosure is made mandatory on the 2nd slide of everypresentation.
The room will be equipped to preview your presentation, modify it, and copy it.Trained and pleasant audiovisual staff will assist you with any needs that youmay have regarding your presentation.
Presentation can be submitted in absentia by your co-author/representative.
Every hall will have two lecterns and kindly ensure the next speaker is ready withhis presentation on the lectern that is not occupied.
The lecterns are equipped with a lectern microphone, laser pointer, light, slideadvancement control (or a laptop) and timer warning.
Please reach the auditorium/hall at least 10 minutes before the beginning of yoursession and get familiarized with the stage and lectern setting.
Please meet your chair persons before the session begins and introduce yourself.
DON’T exceed your allotted time for presentation.
Presentations exceeding the time limit may not be considered for an Award.
Change of Presenter,without the permission of the Chairman ScientificCommittee well in advance,or last minute request for change in presentingauthor at the venue will not be allowed and not eligible for any award.
If you are not a member or a non-ratified member, before presentation, pleaseinform the Chairman & Co- Chairman to indicate the same in the mark sheet.
If the paper presenter is a non-member or non-ratified member, that paper/eposter/video will NOT BE EVALUATED/MARKED and not eligible for any APOS AWARD.
When a presentation is around 6 to 8 minutes long, a script may be desirablefor a number of reasons:
It ensures that important points are included.
It results in the use of short, simple sentences.
With illustrations, it ensures that the slides on the screen match the spokenpresentation.
It allows a detailed rehearsal with voice emphasis on key words.
It permits advance timing of the talk to produce a well-paced presentation.
The Free Paper presentation must take not more than 6 – 8 minutes.
In the 2nd slide, please mention the financial disclosure, even if none.
Important points during presentation
A warming light system will be installed to remind you of the time left for yourpresentation. GREEN to start, ORANGE to indicate a minute left & RED toSTOP (You must STOP immediately on getting a Red light).
The projectors can be operated by remote control.
There is no need to lean into the microphone or to adjust it.
Mike and PC will be automatically off after the prescribed time in free paperssession. Follow the time regulations strictly.
Policies regarding presentations
Speakers at the conference should never make remarks that could be interpretedas being prejudicial against a group or an individual.
The presentation certificate will be in E-Certificate format and will be sent your dash board and there will be no hard copy of thecertificate will be issued after the presentation at the conference.
We have ensured that a ‘Best Paper Award’ will be given for every Free Papersection. In Cataract, Community/ Social, Cornea, Glaucoma, Orbit/Plastic,Vitreo Retinal Diseases where multiple Free Paper sessions are there, the bestpaper of each speciality will be presented in the Semi- Final and the best paperof APOS selected.
APOS Scientific Committee acknowledges the AIOS Scientific committee Guidelines.